Investigate network performance in your area

The aim of this activity is to help you understand:

Is network investment planned for my area?

Finding out about planned network investment is a good place to start, as it gives you an indicator of network problems. The network provider will be more interested in engaging if local energy projects could help solve network performance (of course this will depend on what the issues are).

1. Visit the Network Opportunity Maps

The Network Opportunity Maps show network planning information for the whole NEM, including planned investment, potential value from deferring investment, and available capacity.

If exploring from the main page click ‘Explore Map Data’, ‘Energy’, ‘Electricity Infrastructure’ then ‘Network Opportunities’.

Alternatively, for a walk through of the release and detailed instructions, view this interactive data story.

Select one of the following Network Opportunity Maps layers:

These layers are interesting when you are thinking about connecting projects, particularly larger projects:

You navigate the map using the time slider - Move the time slider along the bottom of the screen to scroll through each year for the coming decade (for Available Distribution Capacity or Annual Deferral Value), or for each hour of the peak day (for Peak Day Available Capacity).

To switch between layers click 'Explore Map Data' again, and select a new layer. Note: Deselect the current layer if moving from one zone region layer to another (e.g., Available Distribution Capacity, Annual Deferral Value, Peak Day Available Capacity) to avoid viewing multiple overlapping regions simultaneously.

Reliability and network performance

2. Find out what your electricity network provider publishes about its network performance

To begin, you need to identify your network provider. You can find out how in identify your electricity network provider. You may also want to complete the activities in understand your local electricity network first.

3. Find your zone substation code and, if possible, your feeder name

Once you have identified your network provider, search for your zone substation code and, if available, your feeder name. This information will help you locate relevant reports and data related to network performance.

4. Look at your local Distribution Annual Planning Reports (DAPR)

To get more detail on planned investments and performance in your area, search for Distribution Annual Planning Reports (DAPR). These reports present the network investment proposals. Use the zone substation code for targeted information in your search for DAPR to access specific details about planned investments in your area.

5. Access reports on network performance from the AER website

Visit the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) website and search for the reports on network performance. The AER provides comprehensive information on network performance, including reliability statistics. Look for the RIN (Reliability, Interruptible Load, and Network) reports, which contain summaries for each feeder. The following link will direct you to the performance reporting section on the AER website: AER RIN responses.

By following these steps, you can investigate the network performance and cost in your area, gain valuable insights into planned investments, explore network opportunity maps, and gather information on reliability statistics of your local electricity network.