Obtain energy use data for your community

There are two main ways to obtain energy data that will help you understand your community energy use.

  1. You can ask households and businesses, one at a time, for permission to research their energy use. The activity on energy data for individual sites takes you through steps for obtaining data.

  2. You can look for aggregated data. If at least 10 people's data is included this protects individual identities and electricity companies and researchers may be allowed to share it. This page deals with aggregated data.

Explore publicly available resources

Start by visiting your distribution network service provider's (DNSP's) website and search for zone substation data. This information can offer further details on energy distribution and consumption in your community. Refer to the activity on Identify your electricity network provider to find out how to find out who your electricity network provider is. Additionally, it is worth inquiring about the availability of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) data for your community. SCADA systems provide real-time monitoring and control of the electricity grid, capturing a wealth of data on energy generation, consumption, and grid performance

Investigate existing energy data

Investigate if anyone in your community has already collected energy data. Collaborating with existing initiatives or local organisations can provide a head start and save time in gathering relevant data. Look for community energy projects or research studies that may have already compiled energy use information.

Conduct an ecologic survey

This survey can provide insights into energy usage patterns, behaviours, and trends. By collecting information from residents, businesses, and other stakeholders, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the energy landscape in your community. A valuable online resource for obtaining energy data is Ecologic. This user-friendly web tool provides comprehensive insights into energy usage patterns and consumption trends in your community.

Conduct residential baseline survey and business inventory

Conduct a residential baseline survey to understand residential energy consumption in more detail. This survey involves gathering data on household energy use and identifying energy-saving opportunities. Additionally, consider conducting a business inventory as part of stakeholder engagement to assess energy usage in commercial establishments. This inventory can help identify energy-intensive sectors and potential areas for improvement.

Research Studies and Industry Reports

Look for research studies or industry reports focused on energy consumption and load profiles in Australia. Academic institutions, research organisations, and industry associations often conduct studies in this field and may publish findings related to typical load profiles. Accessing these reports can provide valuable insights into energy usage patterns in your community.