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Develop a Solar Garden


Develop a Solar Garden
  1. More renewables
  2. Fairer share for all
  1. 2 years
  2. $0.5m

What is a Solar Garden?

As the name suggests, a solar garden is similar to a community garden - except instead of sharing responsibility for a patch of land producing veggies, people can share ownership of solar panels producing electricity.

A solar garden has an existing or purpose built solar asset, which can be located anywhere there is the space and connection to the electricity grid. Anyone can purchase or lease solar garden 'plots' in order to receive credits on their electricity bills for the power generated by their plot. This allows households who may not be able to install solar panels on their own property to still benefit from the use of solar energy.

diagram of energy flows from a solar garden showing how the energy output is not closely connected to the energy user even though it is attributed to them

What does it mean to set up a Solar Garden?

Community solar gardens typically have a central location, such as a rooftop or a field, where the solar panels are installed and connected to the grid. The electricity generated by the solar panels is fed into the grid and distributed to the community members who have purchased or leased the panels.

Setting up a solar garden involves:

Benefits of setting up a solar garden

Some challenges of setting up a solar garden

The diagram below shows one possible financial model for solar gardens.

diagram of financial flows for a solar garden showing the relationship between investors and savings via cheaper bills

When is setting up a solar garden a good choice?

Project examples for solar gardens

Haystacks Solar Garden will build a 1.5MW solar farm at Grong Grong in NSW and allow hundreds of people locked out of rooftop solar to access the benefits.

Other guides and resources

Our explainers on solar options helps you compare understand which solar project would work best in your community. Setting up a large-scale solar system and setting up community solar on a large roof are both closely related to creating a solar garden.