Households & Businesses

Sell Basic Energy Efficient Appliances


Sell Basic Energy Efficient Appliances
  1. Lower power bills
  2. Self sufficiency
  1. 3 months
  2. Varies

What does it mean to sell basic energy efficient appliances?

A community organisation could facilitate selling energy efficient appliances in order to make energy efficiency opportunities more prominent and easier to take up. If community groups have access to a public space (such as a community centre), this could be used to promote specific product sales like efficient lighting or weather stripping. Sales at community events and market days represent an additional opportunity to increase visibility of energy efficiency within the community.

More ambitious efforts could start with community engagement activities to understand the community's needs and preferences, followed by energy audits and/or educating the community about the benefits (see energy information service).

Benefits of selling basic energy efficient appliances

Relatively cheap, commonly subsidised (by state energy certificate schemes) measures often represent ‘low hanging fruit’, given high energy savings and good returns. This can be a good place to start a household on an energy saving journey, and potentially open the conversation regarding broader, more ambitious measures.

Some challenges of selling basic energy efficient appliances

Selling a very narrow range of energy efficient products may quickly lead to broader conversations about other wider ranging products and services that are not within the capability of the group to sell, or that require specialised trade installation.

As such, this initiative may lead to the group installing products (see Install Basic Energy Efficient Products) moderating a process of supporting the community to access reputable specialised suppliers (see Facilitate Quotes from Trusted Suppliers) or to receive the best deals possible (see Bulk Buys).

When is selling basic energy efficient appliances a good choice?

If the community group has access to a prominent community space through which the retailing of energy products could be made. If installation of the products is also required and this is beyond the capacity of the group to supply, this becomes an opportunity to make referrals to trusted local suppliers. Therefore, the stronger this network of local suppliers, the greater impact can be had.

Related information in MyTown Energy

Install Basic Energy Efficient Products

Arrange Bulk Buys for Solar or Hot Water

Deliver Energy Audits

Deliver Deep Energy Retrofits

Facilitate Quotes from Trusted Suppliers