
Plan for Resilience

Plan for Resilience
  1. Reliability
  2. Have more say
  1. 2 years
  2. $100k

What does it mean to plan for a resilient energy future?

Becoming energy resilient means being able to withstand or recover from disruptions in your local energy supply. It is especially relevant for communities that experience a lot of outages.

Planning for resilience is a proactive approach to ensure the availability of local energy systems in the face of changing conditions. Energy resilience has become particularly critical in the face of climate change and natural disasters. The experience of local communities such as Mallacoota or Lismore in the last three years has increased awareness of the need to plan for local energy resilience. This will help maintain critical functions in emergencies, for example by keeping communication infrastructure available and water pumps running.

These are some other energy and carbon related goals that communities sometimes plan for:

Why is planning helpful?

A plan provides a strategic framework for achieving your goals and measuring your progress, and maps a path to get there. These are some of the steps:

Often these processes reach beyond your community group and involve local government and link to their strategies for community action.

Who is doing the planning?

Planning can involve your core team, your full membership or your whole community. If your goals are for the whole community, it often makes sense for the planning process to be led by someone who represents the whole community, like your local council. Waiting for government shouldn't stop community groups though. Announcing the goal and showing people the plan can be a good way to get people on board and supporting your work. A plan often answers the following questions:

Benefits of creating a Plan for Resilience

Planning for resilience can:

In addition the following benefits are associated with a plan for resilience:


Depending on the complexity of the initiative, there are a number of challenges associated with planning for energy resilience:

When is creating a Plan for Resilience a good choice?

Planning out your initiative always makes sense. However, planning for a resilient future for your entire community is ambitious and requires the whole town to be on board with your ideas, in order to co-create and co-own the process.