Behind the Meter

Set up Community Solar on a Large Roof


Set up Community Solar on a Large Roof
  1. More renewables
  2. Lower power bills
  1. 6 months
  2. $0.2m

What is community owned solar on a large-roof?

Unlike a solar farm, installing community solar on an existing roof in your community provides your project with its first customer and energy user. This makes a big difference to the economics of your project.

What does it mean to set up solar on a large-roof?

You will need to identify a good site for solar. Ideally the site has high electricity bills and the project will easily be able to generate savings.

diagram to show the energy flows when a community helps a site put solar on the roof

Commercial and industrial buildings, community buildings and sheds can all have large rooves for a community solar project. The size of the roof, the proportion of solar energy you can sell to the site owner and the arrangement they make with the site's electricity retailer for the surplus solar will help you size your solar array. Solar credits are paid up front as a rebate if the system size is under 100kW, and a system of that size would need 500 square metres of roofspace.

diagram to show the energy flows when a large site puts solar on its roof

The arrangement between the site owner and the community can vary. Usually benefits are shared between the site owner and the community as the solar owner.

The flow of benefits to the community can also vary. Some community energy groups develop a legal investment vehicle so that community investors can earn a profit. Some groups keep the profits to fund activities and spend on future energy projects. Some community energy groups donate their time to develop the projects, others ensure that the project ultimately repays the group in some way.

diagram to show the financial flows when a community helps a site put solar on the roof

Benefits of setting up solar on a large-roof

Some challenges of setting up solar on a large-roof

When is setting up solar on a large-roof a good choice?

Project examples for community solar on a large-roof

Repower Shoalhaven: Repower Shoalhaven developed one of the first community owned roofop projects on its Bowls Club.

COREM: COREM in Mullumbimby uses a revolving fund to deliver rooftop solar and return benefits to the community.

Pingala - Young Henrys: Pingala, in Sydney, uses a cooperative model to match investors and projects.

Other guides and resources

Small-scale community solar guide: This guide provides 10 different examples of community solar alongside the legal and business models of each. It will help you understand the key issues to be agreed at the outset of a project.

Community-owned renewable energy - A how to guide: This guide takes you through the steps of developing a community energy project.

See also our explainer on your different options for solar in your community.