Buying & Selling Power

Create a Retailer


Create a Retailer
  1. Have more say
  2. Drive innovation
  1. 3 years
  2. $3m +

What does it mean to create an electricity retailer?

Being an electricity retailer allows you to buy and sell electricity in your community.

Creating your own electricity retailer is the most ambitious retailing option but it does give your community complete control over the retailing process.

Electricity retailers purchase all the electricity their customers need, and manage the sales and billing process. If you create your own electricity retailer you will need a retailing licence and will need to report regularly to show that you are meeting public obligations.

Benefits of creating an electricity retailer

In short, creating your own electricity retailer could be a powerful enabler of many community energy activities and provides a core organisation for governance of energy assets and partnerships with important stakeholders like local government and electricity networks.

Some challenges of creating an electricity retailer

When is creating an electricity retailer a good choice?

Project examples for creating an electricity retailer

Enova, Power Club and DC Power have all gone into administration but provide useful examples. It is worth noting that the electricity market has changed and more retailing options have emerged since Enova started in 2016.


Power Club:

DC Power:

Other guides and resources

Create a white label retailer.

Our explainer on how electricity is bought and sold.

Our explainer on what electricity bills pay for

AEMC retail regulatory framework- An explanation of the regulatory framework for retailers by the Australian Energy Market Commission

How to register as a retailer- An explanation by AEMO on how to register to purchase electricity from the wholesale energy market.