How did we work out your electricity system?

Your electricity system defines the rules that govern your electricity supply. In the questionnaire we asked you to define your electrical system as urban, rural or remote.

In Australia there are two big market based systems, the National Electricity Market (NEM) connecting up much of the east coast and the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) around Perth.

If you indicated that you live in an urban or rural community in NSW, Qld, Vic, SA or Tas then we placed you on the NEM. If you live in an urban or rural community in WA then we placed you on the SWIS.

Everyone in the Northern Territory is served by NT Power and Water’s System. They operate small and large microgrids across the territory and even the system serving Darwin is very much smaller than the SWIS or the NEM. We treat these all like remote systems.

Remote grids in Western Australia are served by Horizon Power, mostly throughout the north west. They also operate small and large microgrids across numerous communities.

The final category is Offgrid because, even close to the major cities, numerous circumstances exist around Australia where people aren’t connected to the main grid in their state but are served by private operators or other government arrangements instead.

If you think you haven't identified your electricity system yet, our system activity gives you some more ideas for identifying the system you are on.